Cool vid from Heckmotor Sportwagen. I found it on Scott "ScooterMcrads" Blog. Of prolific auto/moto sports/lifestyle photographer, Maurice Van Den Tillard and his "72" 911. Very nice job Daniel!
You may have noticed this was also Brad Pitt's choice of weapon in the new movie Fury!
This gun was produced in very small #s late in the second world war and issued mainly to Waffen SS. It is considered the predecessor to all assault rifles including the AK47 which it closely resembles.
Mark Kawakami Of Joyrides Art Co. Shot Rene's Iconic,"Brown Beauty" and "Vida Loca/Blvd.Knight". Check out more of Mark's exceptional work at the Joyrides Art Co. Blog. Rene's builds are a lesson on conservative restraint and classic style! The results speak for themselves!